Zhou (周继亮), MD/PhD
Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology
Medical College of Georgia
Augusta University
CB-3628 (Office); CB-3606 (Lab)
1459 Laney Walker Blvd
Augusta, GA 30912
Phone: 706-721-7582 (Office); 706-721-7583 (Lab)
Fax: 706-721-2347
Email: jizhou@augusta.edu
Website: https://www.augusta.edu/mcg/phmtox/jiliang_zhou_phd.php
Dr. Jiliang Zhou is a
professor at the Department
of Pharmacology & Toxicology Medical College of Georgia at Augusta
University. He obtained his medical degree at the Jiangxi
Medical College, China in 1996. After receiving his PhD degree at the Zhejiang
University, China in 2002 he performed his postdoctoral training at the Indiana
University School of Medicine in Indianapolis, USA. In 2008, Dr. Zhou started
his independent research program at the Albany Medical College, NY as a
tenure-track assistant professor. In 2012 he moved to Medical College of
Georgia, GA as an associate professor and became a full professor in 2018.
Dr. Zhou studies smooth muscle biology. The long-term goal of his research program
is to unravel the mechanisms regulating the phenotype of vascular smooth muscle
cells, an essential cell type in the blood vessels that carry blood throughout
the body. The Zhou laboratory seeks to define the epigenetic and
transcriptional mechanisms controlling smooth muscle cell behavior that
contributes to cardiovascular development, homeostasis, and disease. Current
focus of the Zhou lab is on two major areas: Hippo-YAP-TEAD signaling and long
non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs). His research has been continuously funded by the NIH
and the AHA. Dr. Zhou has a consistent track record of research productivity
and innovation in smooth muscle biology. Dr. Zhou is also a dedicated mentor
and highly motivated to train the next generation of cardiovascular scientists.