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CAAC is proud to announce our new Education Partner: New Cardiovascular
Horizons! NCVH leadership team includes 25 course directors and
200 faculty from leading peripheral intervention centers around the world. NCVH
is the highlight educational program of the New Cardiovascular Horizons
Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Each year, on average,
NCVH annual conference assembles 1,600 attendees and 100 exhibitors.
Throughout the year
NCVH provides 26 LIVE interventional
cases from operating rooms around the world, 250+ scientific lectures and 200
faculty including clinicians considered preeminent in the field of
medicine. Some world renowned cardiologists gave multiple lectures and
demonstrations of complex coronary and peripheral vascular procedures in
Beijing and Shanghai, China. One of the NCVH leaders Dr. Richard Kovach
also serves as a special advisor of the CAAC Clinical Committee. CAAC and
NCVH will jointly develop lecture series for the cardiovascular physicians and
surgeons in China in the near future.